Thursday, February 9, 2012

Excess Baggage

Yesterday was filled with ups and downs.  My daughter is much better at finding the best prices on flights than I so she took on that task.  She said the least expensive flight was on American Airlines (not my favorite) and that it would cost $40 to $50 more to fly with another airline.  Dang it!  Oh well.  I'm sure it could be a lot worse.

I called American to confirm that there were no baggage embargoes when I'm traveling.  I know some countries don't allow excess baggage during certain months, generally centered around traditional vacation times.  Before Staci went ahead with that final push of the computer button, I wanted to be sure it was the right time of the year.

The "helpful" customer service representative at American said that there is now an embargo all year.  You can have up to 70 pounds per bag but you can only have the standard size allowances and you have to pay extra for the heavier weight (free or standard rates go up to 50 pounds).

That's 140 pounds, and that's assuming I can get 140 pounds into two containers no more than the size of a fairly large suitcase.  I started running through my mental list of everything I had been planning to take and cutting it down to a size that might fit those criteria.

When I got home I decided I had to check one more time.  It turns out the least expensive flight had changed from American to Delta (hurray!).  I looked at the internet info one more time.  It assured me that I really could take more baggage when I was traveling so I called Delta.  A very charming man assured me that I was correct and American was wrong.  Thank goodness!  I'm not back to my original 250 pounds, which is still very little when you consider it's not for a vacation--it's what I have to start life in a new place.

I did a happy dance and went back to trying to get my apartment ready for the grand indoor yard sale.

Coming up:  The Indoor Yard Sale

1 comment:

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