Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Art of Recycling"

I received an email today that included a translated article from our regional newspaper and it seemed to me it would be something you might be interested in.  I know it struck a chord with me.  If you go to the link at the bottom, it has a photo and the article in Spanish (just in case you want to practice).  Here you go:

New Residents Involved in Ecological Project

Cotacachi. Foreign nationals residing in Cotacachi are working on a new project to help with environmental protection. These new volunteers are collecting waste material to be converted into artistic creations.

Works of art from discarded waste that is made by the Grupo Ingniart in the parish of Quiroga caught the attention of some people living in the residential complex called Primavera  in Cotacachi.
Now, in fact, this  project is being promoted among more of the foreigners living in the canton. "The tourism aspect is highly influential in how much people care about environmental protection, therefore foreign-born volunteers play a strong part in helping increase citizen awareness, because their recommendation helps our area stand out as a leader in environmental projects," said Bowman Hernández, director of the Grupo Ingniart in Ecuador. "The work of these people means a lot to us, because they will help our work among their own people and also this will help us to expand our project to more communities in Cotacachi".

The volunteers are recovering reusable material to make recycling collection receptacles for strategic placement in areas frequented by new residents. Their plastic receptacles will be for the collection of materials that can be used for building more things. Collection points are strategically chosen for efficiency and there will be a publicity campaign. The project hopes to build tables and benches from recycled material for a park behind the bus terminal.
"What we hope to accomplish with these creations is for people to see that a lot of things are wasted that could be reused artistically to create things that benefit society", explains

-link to article -------


  1. Art out of garbage. Sounds like the nutcases who think a rusty old engine block is art. Give me a break. Don't tell me these knot heads are moving down there too. Say it ain't so!!!!!

    1. Thanks for your comment. The folks who are doing this, the art part of it, are locals. The ones who are helping gather the recyclable materials are expats. I'm not sure what they've done before but I know they plan to make benches for a park out of materials that would have been thrown away. I'll be getting more information tomorrow and in the weeks and months to come and I'll post more about it, complete with photos.
