Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Day In the Life -- Dec. 2, 2012

I hadn't set out to do one of my "Day In the Life" posts today but it was just such a joy that I wanted to share it with you.

I started out with two items on my list of planned things for the day.

On my way to my first event, I passed an interesting group of people in the park.  These people are holding folders with music in them so I'm assuming they plan to sing.

The dancers were practicing both singing and a few of their dance moves.  I have absolutely no idea what was happening.  I asked a couple of people but their replies included words I couldn't even guess at the translation so I left as ignorant as when I arrived.

Stop #1 was for the announcement party for a new restaurant in town.  I suspect this will be one of the successful ones--they serve vegan food and it was magnificent!  The decor is lovely as well.

Rats!  Too much light in the back of the room but you can get a feel for the size of the place--they can accommodate quite a few people without it feeling crowded.

I may have to go back one of these days and get a better, closer shot of these little items they have for sale.  They are miniature scenes that obviously took a great deal of work.  The one on the right is almost impossible to see but it's a metal sculpture of a church.  This is one of those photos that would definitely benefit from clicking on it so you can see it full size.

The set out a love tasting buffet.  This end of the table included the best whole grain muffins I've ever eaten!  They were moist and delicious.  The little glasses are sesame milk with cinnamon.  There is almond milk at the other end of the table and in the middle are some more savory items including empanadas with spinach and tofu and other wonderful things in them.  I don't know what the sauce is on the left because I heard "spicy" and didn't go any further but the one on the right was tahini and it was pretty magnificent as well.

The little patio is adorable.

Next I was off to visit a friend and try to help her get her computer set up so she could watch videos and live feeds of television shows in the U.S. and Canada.  We got her VPN installed (this is the one I've told you about before--the one for which I'm an affiliate--I obviously love it).  In addition to mucking about with that, we had a chance to have a lovely talk about solving the problems of the world or at least a few of the ones around here.

After that I headed over to a new friend's house to see if she planned to go to the gallery opening tonight.  I hadn't seen her at the restaurant opening and wondered if she knew about both of these events.  She was, indeed, going to the opening and once we established that, we chatted for a while as well.  She just arrived here a couple of weeks ago and is getting settled in to her new life in Cotacachi.

I should have gone home after that but, well, I was so close and I just couldn't resist so I stopped in at Eddie's for a latte.  I mean, after all, I'd had quite a bit of really healthy food at Bhakti's and I had to offset it with something!  So, one latte later it was time to go to the opening of our new art gallery.  What a treat!

In addition to the paintings of the featured artist there was a lot of beautiful hand-crafted ceramic work (OK, I don't know if it's ceramic or if there's another name but it's clay of one sort or another).  The picture doesn't do it justice but trust me when I tell you it's all quite lovely and there are pieces that I would love to have adorning my wall or table.

It's a small space and it was pretty jam packed full.  Of course Nancy's dog was in the thick of things.  It's been quite a while since he knew he was a dog.  He's just one of the people now. I should tell you that Nancy (the lovely woman in the stunning pink top) is the owner of the gallery.  She really knows how to throw a party.  The wine was flowing, there was authentic Japanese sushi, fabulous guacamole, chocolate covered strawberries, and much wine.

With the crush of people in there it was almost impossible to get any decent shots of the artwork but I plan to go back when it's a little less crowded and try to capture some of my favorites.  The featured artist is Arja Aulikki Toivonen originally from Finland, now living in Ecuador.  Her work pulls in elements from a variety of cultures but the predominant one is the people of the Andes mountains.

More of the ceramic pieces, including some of the custom tiles that can be custom made for the customer or you can buy something like that amazing peacock and make it the focal point of the kitchen tile.  Such lovely things.

Ah, here we go--Nancy on the left, the owner of the shop and one of the artists on display and Arja on the right.  Nancy may sound familiar to people and that's as it should be.  She's the former owner and current manager of Serendipity, nearly always referred to as "Nancy's" by folks who've been around for a while.

By the time I got home it was just about dark and I was ready to collapse.  It was a day filled with little things that added up to one big day of fun.

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